Situated in the heart of the Southern African continent, Botswana is a landlocked country lying at 950 meters above sea level, more than 372 miles from the nearest coast (Namibia). The most striking geographic features of Botswana are its flatness and aridity. With an area of 361,470 square miles, Botswana is virtually the same size as Texas - or France.
Discover a magnificent display of natural wonders. With Botswana’s rare mystique, we guide you to the perfect journeys to tell your story – completely tailormade for you.
In a perfect embodiment of the safari lifestyle, your journey extends into the lush heart of Botswana’s deltas and deserts, inviting you to discover these two unique settings bathed in the light of the Sub-Saharan wilderness
The holistic dimension of this purest wilderness offers a myriad invitations to realign and explore Africa’s astonishing beauty
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